Here is some interesting information to help you understand why addressing, lowering and eliminating stress is so important in your overall picture of health.
If you feel chronically stressed all the time, here are some biological, chemical and physiological changes that are occurring inside your body:
- Decreased nutrient absorption
- Decreased oxygen
- Decreased good intestinal bacteria
- Decreased salivation and hydrochloric acid
- Decreased thyroid hormone, growth hormone and sex hormones
- Decreased brain function
- Increased risk of osteoporosis
- Increased inflammation
- Increased digestive disorders
- Increased stress hormones
- Lowered immunity
It may be unnerving to look at this list, but all of these reactions can be slowed down and eliminated with time, effort and an awareness that you are feeling unbalanced. The key is to first be honest about what in your life is a source of stress. This can come in the form of financial worries, dissatisfaction with where you live, difficult relationships, unfulfilling job, health issues, and the list goes on an on. Essentially it is anything that you feel does not work for you in your life and is an ongoing trigger. Some things we know will change with time and we can put on the metaphorical “back burner”. Other issues seem to never change and those can be the ones that create that chronic stress that can really take a toll on our well being.
Many years ago I probably had every one of the above responses to chronic stress. The pain and inflammation I felt was very intense and I know that it began with increased stress levels that were like a runaway train. I didn’t reel in the worry, anxiety and thought patterns that got me into trouble soon enough. Over time I began to recognize the same thought patterns that create emotional stress which create symptoms and then disease.
It can be difficult to make the connections at first, but as we become more aware of what is going on in our lives and how we react to situations, people and life circumstances, our ability to stop, breathe and observe becomes fine tuned. Our response to our stressors becomes more deliberate and discerning instead of the usual knee jerk reactionary habit we have repeated in the past.
As mentioned above, it begins with awareness and a conscious effort to want to change how you perceive your stress. As you begin to clear the stress you have and change the way you look at it your physical body will start to relax and know that you are not in any real danger. Your body is trying to get your attention with symptoms and stress response reactions, so let it know that healing is possible with patience, compassion and love for yourself.
Peace, health and love